Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lord here's what I want, now bless it.

“Commit your plans to the Lord and He will establish your work.”  Proverbs 16:3.  Oh, how often I have prayed through and spiritually mulled over my own plans, committing them to the Lord for his stamp of approval and eventual blessing.  And why not?  They make so much sense to me.  The problem is that my perspective is flawed.  The Bible says that “there is a way that seems right to man but in the end it leads to death.”  What seems so right, just, and reasonable to me pales in comparison to God’s plan.  For His ways are higher than mine.  Thankfully we don’t always get what we ask for.    I just finished reading from an insightful book that quoted the Proverbs passage from above.  The book states that the Hebrew word for commit actually translates “roll”.  So reread the passage “Roll your plans to the Lord and He will establish your work.”  You can’t hold onto or even keep touching something that you roll to someone else.  Our best hope is that God will honor our desires and giftings by presenting us with His plan, which is tailor-made to the destiny He has for us.  If there’s something that you have been really praying for and wanting to see happen- maybe you have even told God how He could accomplish it swiftly- why not roll it to Him and see how He can do more than you could even ask or imagine.

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