Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Destiny, mediocrity, and the future unwritten

The enemy has forces at play that will try to lull and seduce you into mediocrity,  traps and snares that won’t necessarily kill you or pull you down, but they will hold you back. He will use anyone and everything to accomplish his task. So let's "not be unaware of the enemies schemes". Instead let’s rise to the occasion, rise to the possibilities, and rise toward our full potential. 
I once heard it said that the location with the greatest untapped potential is the cemetery.  As followers of Jesus we don’t need permission or an invitation to pursue the destiny that God has written on our hearts.  We just need to take a step.  Because good ideas don’t make you a visionary- they may you a day dreamer.  Being a visionary is about taking steps- little steps every day that move you from complacency toward becoming a world changer.  Each of us has world changing written right into our DNA; it’s called the desires of your heart. When you discover and follow them, you help to create a future that touches others and brings God glory. That is what destiny is all about. 

What will you do with your day? Will you invest it or just spend it?
It really does matter.  Why not take a step into your destiny today?

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