I shared yesterday
afternoon with several friends who I call church. We enjoyed a meal, laughed at life, and
eventually began to open our hearts and talk about the things which affect us
most deeply for both the good and bad.
Our struggles laid bare, our insecurities confessed, and our
shortcomings revealed, we began to notice something. There was no condemnation, no posturing, or
jockeying for control or attention. We just
were! It never ceases to amaze me at
this point when after one bears all, the response form others in the group is
supportive and encouraging. One may
relate by sharing a time when they dealt with a similar thing and Jesus helped
them through it. Another may share a truth
from scripture, or correct a misapplication of some popular Christian cliché. Tears are shared, hugs exchanged and prayers
entered into. We all leave changed for
the better, more focused on Christ than when we came, and looking forward with faith
and expectancy to the next opportunity to be the church, whether at an official
gathering, or just through e-mail, text, phone conversation, or a coffee shared
on the town. I can’t help but feel that
the Lord is smiling and I can’t help but feel excited about what He is doing in
the lives of each of us that are opening ourselves up to be His church.
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