Friday, November 25, 2011

That New Wine Is Good Stuff!

In the latest version of Star Trek released onto the big screen (a movie that I ended up regretting having watched), a young Captain Kirk is required to go through a simulation as a condition of his graduation from the academy.  (Hang in there you non-trekky people.) Upon finding out that the simulation had been designed to fail and that doing things the “Star Fleet Way” would inevitably lead to failure for him, he decides to reprogram the rules portion of the simulation in a manner that would allow his unconventional methods to bring about the first success in the simulation's history.  While he could have been kicked out for cheating the system, his unwillingness to accept the premise that this is the way that things have to be done and his unwillingness to accept the status quo end up earning him his own command. 

Now to my point.  In Matthew 9:17 Jesus is faced with multiple accusers all basically saying the same thing- that he is not doing things the “religious way" or the "right way”.  He responds by saying the following:  “17 And no one puts new wine into old wine skins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wine skins so that both are preserved.”  I used to skip over this passage as being culturally irrelevant because it talked about something that we no longer use- wine skins. But based upon my recent experience, it seems to make real sense to me.  Old wine skins had been stretched to the limit as wine fermented and expanded in them. Because old wine skins had already been stretched to the limit, if they were filled with new wine, it would ultimately burst them when it expanded. In the same way, it appears that Jesus was condemning the traditional rituals of the time by saying that they must never become a straitjacket that hinders us from embracing the message of God's new covenant kingdom life style.  Just as Kirk changed the rules of the Federation to make the goal of survival of the test a possibility, the rituals of the old covenant as well as the rituals of the John the Baptist preparatory era were not to be allowed to hamstring the message of the kingdom.  Wow, that was quite an analogy, not worthy of the Bible college professors from my past training, but probably as timely as I know how to give.   

You see, my passion is that the Christian church wake up and be the relevant expression of what God intended church to be when he created it.  I don’t believe it was God’s intent that we just morph the old covenant concepts of the temple, priests, and the law into the new covenant concepts of the church, the pastor, and the expectations of what it means to be a “Good Christian”.

The church in the New Testament is a community of believers all intricately involved with the welfare and progress of each others' lives. Not a building, an organization, a business-like corporation, or an ongoing series of events or programs.  Jesus came to make a way for man to relate to the father directly with no other go-between than Him, yet many of us view our pastor as the one who is to go to God on our behalf and get for us what we need.  When the apostle Paul says that he considers rubbish all the things that he once thought were so important, he is speaking about knowing and following the law and the traditions that man had about the best way to do so.  He goes on to say that these are rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of just knowing Christ.  I believe that he chose to emphasize the relationship with Christ and not just the knowledge of Christ as a manner to emphasize the relational nature of the kingdom.  Behavior modification was not the goal of the kingdom, it was relational modification that God was after.  Don’t get me wrong, relationship with the one true living God will certainly modify your behavior, but simply modifying your behavior alone will not increase your relationship with God.  If it would, we would not have needed Christ’s sacrifice. 

If you have read my blog before, you will know that I believe that much of the practices of the modern church, while not bad in and of themselves, have become the focus of Christianity instead of the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ himself.  Let me encourage you to be certain that the way your express your Christianity lines up with the message of Jesus found in the gospels, not just with what you have learned from others regarding what the verses in the Bible mean when they mention church and its various expressions.  When the Bible tells us not neglect meeting together with other believers, we naturally interpret that to mean we need to go to a church service multiple times each week or month, but what it actually says is meeting together with other believers. While that can happen at a church service, it doesn’t just happen naturally by being together with them at an event or programmed service.  Let’s let God define what church is by taking a closer look at the teachings of Christ, the history of the early church found in the book of Acts, and the principals of relational Christianity found in the epistles of the New Testament.  In doing so we will inevitably see where that sort of an expression of church takes us.  I personally believe it will take us to the next level.    If you would like to learn more about the church, start by reading more from this blog’s history, or by visiting our YouTube Channel at

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