What Do Lazy Cats and Trusting God Have in Common?
Was just looking at the alley cat that lives in my back yard and sleeps on my porch. It occurred to me that he is always happy, always fat, and always sleeping while everyone else is working hard. Part of that is that he is nocturnal, being that he hunts at night and sleeps in the day. But I think he pretty much hunts cat food from the various neighbors porches who put it out to feed their cats. So he's sort of an entrepreneurial/thief sort of fat, happy, and lazy cat. Well anyway to my point. He doesn't worry, because he's pretty much taken care of by the neighbors willingness to leave food out and the generosity of my kids who give him their scraps. While I'm not interested in the scraps or the cat food, the not worrying part really intrigues me. You see the cat can be fat and happy and rest because his experience suggests that his providers will take care of him, and they do. He doesn't worry about what he will eat or where he will sleep or what to do when it gets cold or wet, because other more "intelligent" creatures take care of those details, insignificant to him. I on the other hand often find myself wondering how it will all work out where the next check will come from or how to juggle the income and expenses in order to make the ends meet. I wonder if the cat has found some truth that I could learn from. God whose ways are far higher than mine, takes care of all creation and provides for the needs of all who seek Him. We can rest in Him (if we choose to) because he promises to keep at peace those whose minds are stayed on Him. As far as the fat part goes I pretty much have that covered without God's help. Well I hope that you can lay down your fears and worries as God is teaching me to and honestly trust Him to take care of your needs and to make straight your paths. I guess if God could use a donkey to get a person's attention in the bible that He can use a cat to get mine today!
Stinking Cat!
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